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Source Code: A simple Model of Neurone

A simple Model of Neurone Network

Here is source code of a Neurone. You can know the principle of Neuron Network after you understand it. It is basically a complete Neuron Network because it includes Back-Propogation training Algorithm though it's so short.

Function menu() is to show a menu, including Train, Use, and Demo.
The weight values (AND1,AND2, OR1,OR2) in Demo are generated from training.

/*Neurone Model*/
#include < math.h>
#include < stdio.h>
#include < time.h>
#include < stdlib.h>
#include < conio.h>
#define AND1 .571388
#define AND2 .560999
#define OR1 1.149045
#define OR2 1.131896
#define SITA 1
#define NIU .1
#define OMIGA 50

float w[2]; 
float terg[4][3]; 

{int m_result = 1, s; 
 float w1[2]; 
 while(m_result != 5){
    m_result = menu(m_result); 
        case(1):             /*    Train*/
        case(3):randomize();  /*ReTrain*/
            w[0] = random(80)+10; w[0] = w[0]/100.0; 
            w[1] = random(80)+10; w[1] = w[1]/100.0; 
        case(2):practic(w);   /*Use new Model*/
        case(4):printf(" what do you want to see, OR or AND?(1/2) " ); 
            scanf(" %d" , & s); 
            if(s==1){w1[0] = OR1;  w1[1] = OR2;  }
               else if(s==2){w1[0] = AND1; w1[1] = AND2; }
                else break; 
            break;        /*Demo, show trained model*/
        }       /*End Switch*/
    }               /*End While */
 printf(" Good Bye!" ); 
menu(int r)
{int r1; 
 printf(" \n\n\n" ); 
 printf(" \t\t1\tStudy a Model\n" );     /*Train   */
 printf(" \t\t2\tPratice the model\n" ); /*Retrain    */
 printf(" \t\t3\tDefail the MOdel\n" );  /*Use Model trained  */
 printf(" \t\t4\tPrepared Model\n" );    /*Demo*/
 printf(" \t\t5\tEnd\n" );               /*End        */
 printf(" \n\n\t\tWhat do you want to choice?(%d)" , r); 
 r1 = getche(); 
 if (r1!=13) r = r1-48; 

date()    /*Show values.*/
{int i, j; 
 for(i = 0; i < 4; i++) 
     for(j = 0; j< 3; j++){ 
        gotoxy(20+j*4, i+5);  
        printf("%.0f", terg[i][j]);  
printf("\n\n\tThe quarities:%f, %f \n", w[0], w[1]);  

study() /*function of training*/ 
{float x, y, width;  
    int wrong = 1, i, total = 0; 
    input();  /*andinput(); */ /*orinput();  */ 
        wrong = 0;  
        for(i = 0; i< 4; i++){
            x = OMIGA*(w[0]*terg[i][0]+w[1]*terg[i][1]-SITA); 
            y = 1.0/(1.0+exp(-x)); 
            width = terg[i][2]-y;  /*Delta = "Teacher signal-Y" */ 
             wrong = 1; 
             w[0] = w[0]*(1+width*NIU);     /*Change Weight0*/
             w[1] = w[1]*(1+width*NIU);     /*Change Weight1*/
             if(total> =200)                /*Prevent Dead Lock*/
                {error(); return 1; }
     }/*If (fabs(width)>=0.01) then wrong = 0 and jump out of the loop*/
practic(quarity) /*Use trained model*/
float quarity[2]; 
{int k, y; 
 float x, width, x1, x2; 
 for(k = 0; k < 4; k++){ 
     gotoxy(0, 4+k*3);  
     printf("\nPlease input :x1, x2 ");  
     scanf("%f, %f", &x1, &x2);  
     x = OMIGA*(quarity[0]*x1+quarity[1]*x2-SITA); 
     y = 1.0/(1.0+exp(-x))+.01;  /*Accuracy is 0.01*/ 
     printf("\t\t\ty = "%d" , y); 

input() /*Input events when training*/ 
{int i;  
    printf("Please input the 4 groups data:\n\n");  
    for(i = 0; i< 4; i++){
        printf("\tThe %d group x1, x2, teacher's point: ", i+1);  
        scanf("%f, %f, %f", &terg[i][0], &terg[i][1], &terg[i][2]);  

{terg[0][0] = 1; terg[0][1] = 1; terg[0][2] = 1; 
    terg[1][0] = 1; 
    terg[1][1] = 0; 
    terg[1][2] = 0; 
    terg[2][0] = 0; 
    terg[2][1] = 1; 
    terg[2][2] = 0; 
    terg[3][0] = 0; 
    terg[3][1] = 0; 
    terg[3][2] = 0; 

{terg[0][0] = 1; 
    terg[0][1] = 1; 
    terg[0][2] = 1; 
    terg[1][0] = 1; 
    terg[1][1] = 0; 
    terg[1][2] = 1; 
    terg[2][0] = 0; 
    terg[2][1] = 1; 
    terg[2][2] = 1; 
    terg[3][0] = 0; 
    terg[3][1] = 0; 
    terg[3][2] = 0; 

error() /*Exit, maybe the Original weight value is not good, 
        or the model is not relizable (ex. XOR Model) */ 
    printf("\n\n\n\tBecause the firse QUARITIES's choise is unavailble, \n");  
    printf("\tIt can't get the right result, forveve!");  
I think the comments in the source code are enought to read.

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